07 Apr 2020
In the heart of Gothenburg Noxon provides dewatering services to reduce costs and environmental impact.
28 Jan 2020
After 30 years of cooperation, Kisa Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant starts their second journey with Noxon. With a brand new Noxon DC10 decanter centrifuge, Kisa can enjoy another 30 years of efficient sludge dewatering.
30 years ago Staffan Andersson at Kisa Municipal WWTP purchased a new Noxon decanter centrifuge for dewatering of municipal sludge. Back then Noxon just started its business to deliver qualitative centrifuges and related services. After 30 years the time had come to exchange the centrifuge as spares were getting scarce. A second Noxon decanter was delivered 30 years after the first unit arrived, in the exact same week! It was mounted by local staff and commissioned without problems.
Both Staffan and Claes look forward to another 30 years of cooperation before the next change, however most probably someone else will be in charge.
23 Nov 2019
Skene WWTP has been using Noxon decanter centrifuges for decades to dewater their sludge.
2 years ago the construction of a new dewatering facility was initiated. Since 2018 new Noxon centrifuges are installed, making stable results for the next generation.
Noxon would like to thank Skene WWTP for a long, and continued, cooperation.